PolyPaths at Black Knight's IE 2020

PolyPaths will be presenting as part of Black Knight’s 2020 Virtual Information Exchange on Tuesday, April 28th at 2pm ET. The details for our joint session with BKFS are provided here.

Tuesday, April 28th
2:00 P.M. ET
Data & Analytics Solutions Track

Best-in-Class Prepay and Default Models: Why It Pays to Integrate and Invest in Today’s Changing Market Dynamics

Join this session to learn about the latest in single-family and multifamily models from AFT, the model’s stress testing capabilities, and why it is the best-in-class, highly defensible model that your model validation team and regulators will approve. The PolyPaths team will join us for this fascinating segment and will also cover prepay and loss model setup, analysis and tuning, walkthrough PolyPaths’ built-in prepay model benchmarking reports, and introduce what’s new in PolyPaths 7.10 and AFT 6.4 Integration.

Registration is now available here.

Can’t make it? Please contact support@polypaths.com and we’ll be happy to provide a copy of our slide deck after the conference.